ARLA/CLUSTER: Special event station K1D to operate satellites on
ARRL Field Day 2016
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 17 de Junho de 2016 - 16:06:27 WEST
Special event station K1D to operate satellites on Field Day 2016
Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC
Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday. Field Day 2016 is June 25-26.
In an effort to encourage more kids and their families to get involved in
the hobby, the kids at Ham Radio (dot) World are working to put an all-kids
Special Event ARRL Field Day station on the air in 2016.
This station will have the special event call sign of *K1D* and it will be
set-up, operated, and put away by kids who are ham radio operators. Kids of
all ages and their parents (both licensed hams and non-hams alike) are
encouraged to come out and participate in this exciting event.
New hams and even non-hams can experience the excitement of talking to
people around the world with the Get On the Air (GOTA) station, which will
have the callsign *K4G*. Both stations will operate from grid EL99IA in
Deland, Florida, USA.
The kids will be on the HF bands and on the Amateur Radio satellites.
K1D will be joined by AMSAT's Vice-President Operations, Drew Glasbrenner,
KO4MA, who will be a kid-for-a-day to help get the kids on the linear
satellites. Look for them and give them a shout!
The K1D Special Event Field Day station will be built by the kids prior to
the Field Day activities. The kids have built a solar power solution 'from
scratch' to use to power their K1D Special Event Field Day station. Kyocera
Solar and West Mountain Radio have graciously donated parts to this solar
power supply - THANK YOU!
They also plan on using a Genasun MPPT Charge Controller to manage charging
the battery. Emmett of is providing a Sentinel Expedition Hex
Beam for K1D.
Finally, the kids have built their own W7FG True Ladder Line antenna with
parts provided by and are building additional antennas
to use for Field Day. Keep watching Ham Radio (dot) World for videos of the
kids as they build their Special Event Station.
Join WX4TVJ (Zechariah), who was licensed at 12 years old, AE4FH (Faith
Hannah), who was licensed at 10 years old, KM4IPF (Hope), who was licensed
at 8 years old, & 7 year old Grace (KM4TXT) for Field Day 2016.
Listen for them on the air and give them a break by making K1D one
of your 2016 Field Day contacts.
For helping to encourage youth in amateur radio, stations who work K1D
and/or K4G during the 2016 ARRL Field Day will be eligible for a special
K1D/K4G Commemorative QSL card.
More information at
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