ARLA/CLUSTER: AmateurLogic 91: Hamvention 2016 – Part 1

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 6 de Junho de 2016 - 13:57:47 WEST

Part 1 of Tommy and George’s Hamvention 2016 adventure.

Recorded before a live audience at the Icom booth on Friday, May 21st.

Fishing Tales with Darth?
Michael Kalter, W8CI on what’s new at Hamvention.
Don Kunst, W3LNE, Boy Scouts K2BSA VP.
Arthur Kunst, W3WM has some great stories about his 76 years in amateur
Radio! You don’t want to miss this.
Valerie Hotzfeld, NV9L and Bob Heil, K9EID join us and talk about Ham
Nation and their passions for the hobby.

It’s a bonus episode of AmateurLogic. Look for part two coming soon.


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