ARLA/CLUSTER: Video da apresentação sobre APRS na Dayton Hamvention 2016

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 2 de Junho de 2016 - 13:46:17 WEST

Hamvention APRS Presentations

In this video *Gary Pearce KN4AQ* provides the APRS forum presentations
given at the 2016 Dayton Hamvention

*Bob Bruninga WB4APR* invented APRS. He's had plenty of help, but it's
still his show. While most of us use it to show where we are on a map,
there are so many more aspects to it that Bob can't fit them all into a
single forum. So this is kind of a 'greatest hits,' including my personal
favorite: APRS isn't a vehicle tracking system!

At the beginning, Bob asks the audience if anyone "made a Voice Alert
contact on the way here?" I hadn't really gotten the camera rolling, so I
missed the first few words. And I've got a huge cold, so I don't feel like
sitting in front of the camera or mic for an introduction, so BAM, the
episode begins!

26:30 Don Arnold W6GPS introduces the new Kenwood D-STAR HT, along with
some of the Japanese Kenwood design team, and AVMap updates.

36:30 is a quick shot with Byon Garrabrant N6BG with a couple of new
products from Byonics.

42:50 Bryan Hoyer K7UDR from NW Digital Radio reviews their stuff (and the
UDXR still isn't out, but the web site says "Q2..."

Watch HRN 255: APRS Forum at the 2016 Hamvention® on HamRadioNow

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