ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL alerta sobre o impacto dos sistemas 5G nos segmentos reservados aos radioamadores

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 22 de Julho de 2016 - 10:47:57 WEST

Amateur 47 GHz allocation avoids 5G juggernaut in the US for now, worldwide
defense continues

There's good news regarding the future of Amateur Radio's primary
allocation at 47 GHz in the US.

Still a test bed for point-to-point propagation experimentation by
dedicated enthusiasts, the 47-47.2 GHz band is among those under
consideration at the next World Radiocommunication Conference in 2019
(WRC-19) to accommodate so-called 5G wireless broadband devices.

Early this year, some FCC commissioners indicated they would include bands
on the WRC-19 agenda in the Commission's "Spectrum Frontiers" 5G
initiative. As the Commission put it this week as it made nearly 11
gigahertz of spectrum above 24.25 GHz available for licensed, unlicensed,
and shared use: "High-band millimeter wave spectrum is key to unlocking the
potential for 5G." The FCC's Spectrum Frontiers included several of the
bands set for consideration at WRC-19, but not the 47 GHz band - although
it did target 47.2-50.2 GHz.

"Maintaining the status quo in the 47-47.2 GHz band is a win for continued
Amateur Radio use of the band in the United States, and amateurs continue
to do great things there," ARRL Chief Technology Officer Brennan Price,
N4QX, allowed. He pointed to the new US-Canada distance record of 215
kilometers set recently by radio amateurs from both countries. But, he
suggested, Amateur Radio could be doing more there.

Spectrum in the millimeter range has come under increasing scrutiny,
because the demand for greater throughput has driven demand for bandwidth -
hence, the greater focus on spectrum above 24.25 GHz for next-generation 5G
wireless broadband applications. As Price explains, it's easier to find 200
megahertz of spectrum in the millimeter range than at UHF.

Price noted that radio amateurs have set up broadband networks on several
lower microwave bands - nearly all of them allocated to hams on a secondary
basis. "The 47 GHz band is allocated to the Amateur Service and the
Amateur-Satellite Service on a worldwide primary and exclusive basis,"
Price pointed out. "We don't have to work around others in this space."

He suggested that Amateur Radio broadband experimenters consider and
develop upon the work of Ted Rappaport, N9NB - the founding director of NYU
Wireless at New York University's Tandon School of Engineering - whose
investigations have demonstrated that the millimeter waves may serve
next-generation broadband systems. "For a long time, millimeter waves were
thought to be most suitable for the point-to-point work that radio amateurs
perfected and continue to advance," Price said. "Ted's work indicates that
point-to-multipoint systems are feasible at this range, and the world has
taken notice."

Price stressed the need going forward for the worldwide Amateur Radio
community to maintain a staunch defense of all spectrum allocated to the
Service, as the 47 GHz band remains under consideration by other countries.
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) is organizing the protective
effort on this and other issues as it continues to get ready for WRC-19.

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