ARLA/CLUSTER: Enquanto uns tem o Pokémon Go, os radioamadores tem o PokéHAM GOta
Joăo Costa > CT1FBF
Terça-Feira, 19 de Julho de 2016 - 14:33:40 WEST
PokéHAM GOta (or Parity, Amended)
*PokéHAM GOta?*A Ham Radio version of the little game that's sweeping the
*Gary Pearce KN4AQ* says: Sorry, no. That's just click bait to get you to
check out this show about something far more important to Ham Radio, but
maybe a little dry. We don't want to give it away, but nobody reads these
descriptions anyway, so we feel fairly safe.
On July 13, the House Energy & Commerce Committee approved an amended
version of HB 1301, the Amateur Radio Parity Act. So we'll show you that
vote and a few comments, and then Gary reviews the original bill compared
to the amended bill.
The vote: 1:44
What's next, and why 'amended'? 15:13
Compare the original and amended versions 21:02
Watch HRN 259: PokéHAM GOta (or Parity, Amended)
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