ARLA/CLUSTER: Em JT65B conseguem-se contactos Terra - Lua -Terra usando só 62W e um pequeno conjunto de antenas direcionais para 70 cm

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 11 de Fevereiro de 2016 - 13:22:12 WET

QRP Moon Bounce

The* Essex DX Group* report that members have been experimenting with tiny
70cm antennas trying to find what is the bottom line for successful e.m.e
contacts using basic equipment.

On the 22 of January, members of the group, using a DG7YBN 70-7 7 element
yagi completed a contact with DL7APV via the moon using JT65B digital mode
and 62 watts at the antenna feed
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