ARLA/CLUSTER: RFinder estabelece parceria com a ARRL

CS7AGH cs7agh
Quinta-Feira, 4 de Fevereiro de 2016 - 10:14:59 WET

O RFinder estabeleceu uma parceria com a ARRL, que deixa de ter os seus 
próprios programas como o TravelPlus for Repeaters etc e passa a apoiar 
o RFinder como a aplicação/serviço web oficial de repetidores.
Em contrapartida, recebem parte das receitas de subscrição do RFinder

- /RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of /*/Radio Amateurs 
Canada/*/... Canadian Amateurs who subscribe contribute to RAC./
- /RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory App of /*/Radio Society of 
Great Britain/*/... UK Amateurs who subscribe contribute to RSGB./
- /RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of /*/Amateur Radio 
Society Italia…/*/ IT Amateurs who subscribe contribute to ARS Italia./
- /RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of /*/Federación Mexicana 
de Radioexperimentadores…/*/ MX Radioaficionados who subscribe 
contribute to FMRE./
/- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of /*/Deutscher Amateur 
Radio Club.../*/DE Amateurs who subscribe contribute to DARC DE./
/- RFinder is/*//*/El directorio de repetidor con la base de datos 
oficial de /*/Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles.../*/ES Amateurs who 
subscribe contribute to URE ES./
/- RFinder devient le répertoire de référence du /*/Réseau de Emetteurs 
- /RFinder is the Online Repeater Directory of /*/American Radio Relay 
League/*/... US Amateurs who subscribe contribute to ARRL.
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