ARLA/CLUSTER: New book on SDR for Amateur Radio Operators, Short Wave Listeners, and anyone interested in radio as a hobby

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 5 de Dezembro de 2016 - 17:44:32 WET

This is not a textbook. It is written in an easy to read
conversational style. The book is intended for Amateur Radio
Operators, Short Wave Listeners, and anyone interested in radio as a
hobby. At 308 pages it’s a lot bigger than my other book on Software
Defined Radio, and this time it is available in print or from Kindle
for most e-Readers.

It includes sections on how different types of software defined radios
work, the advantages of using them, and how they are tested.
It also covers future trends including the development of Direct
Fourier Conversion. There is a big section with tips for PowerSDR
users and sections about other commonly used SDR software, plus a
comparison of the basic specifications of 65 different SDR receivers
and transceivers.

Please check it out at

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