ARLA/CLUSTER: Malásia espera a participação de mais de 5000 escoteiros do pais no 59º Jamboree on the Air (Jota)

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 8 de Agosto de 2016 - 13:18:35 WEST

Over 5,000 scouts for Jamboree on the Air

More than 5,000 scouts in the state of Sabah in Malaysia are expected to
take part in the international 59th Jamboree on the Air (Jota) and the 20th
Jamboree on the Internet (Joti) from Oct 14-16.

Sabah was also selected as the nation's host for the annual event which
gathers scouts around the world to communicate through amateur radio sets
and the Internet.

Deputy National Chief Scout Commissioner Datuk Dr Awang Zaini Suntim said
about 10 stations will be opened throughout the State during the event.

"There are many scouts who have amateur radio licences and most are capable
of handling their own radios.

"And during the event we will be communicating with others around the world
and the programme is also internationally recognised.

"The programme provides an opportunity for scouts to interact through
amateur radio where their first interactions through the radios will lead
to continuous friendship via email or the Internet," he said after the
launching of the 5th State-level National Jota at the BP House, here,

Read the full Daily Express story
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