ARLA/CLUSTER: ICNIRPcalc RF-Exposure: Software que calcula o exposição de radioamadores a radiações não ionizantes
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 8 de Agosto de 2016 - 13:07:33 WEST
New version of ICNIRPcalc
The Chair of the IARU Region 1 EMC Committee *Thilo Kootz DL9KCE *reports a
new version of ICNIRPcalc RF-Exposure software is now available
In some countries Radio Amateurs suffer expensive bureaucratic restrictions
on their antennas. ICNIRPcalc was written to assist in the assessments. The
program performs RF-Exposure calculations for amateur radio stations based
on information from the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
You can calculate the distance people need to stay clear from a given
antenna, so that European exposure limits are not exceeded. The new version
now supports the English, German, French and Swedish languages and the
antenna database has been expanded.
ICNIRPcalc can be downloaded from
Source IARU Region 1
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