ARLA/CLUSTER: HamRadioNow: 85 Watts and a Wire

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 26 de Abril de 2016 - 13:44:11 WEST

Gary Pearce KN4AQ considers usurping the 100 Watts and a Wire show
name because nobody on the show runs 100 watts and a wire anymore

But he tempers his hostile takeover because co-host Katie Allen WY7YL
has taken a new job, and it looks like she won't be able to
participate in the show (but Katie, you didn't even say good-bye!).
Gary's HF rig can't even muster 100 watts anymore, so he settles for
85.. and he's legit on the wire thing.

Next he reviews the new web site (with a real URL!).
some news stories he won't be covering because of 1) Time; 2)
Inefficiency, and 3) a vacation. He'll see you at Dayton (and probably
squeeze in a show or three before that.

Finally, the Missouri House has passed it's version of the Amateur
Radio Parity Act. It's in a Senate committee. Gary's got the audio of
the House 'debate' that's kinda odd (but all's well that ends well?).

Watch HRN 251: 85 Watts and a Wire on HamRadioNow

100 Watts and a Wire show

Previous editions of HamRadioNow

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