ARLA/CLUSTER: Empresa americana concorda pagar 20500 Dolares por venda ilegal de bloqueadores para telemoveis

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 26 de Abril de 2016 - 13:32:30 WEST

Company settles charges of operating cellphone jammers

An Alabama company has agreed to pay $20,500 in civil penalties to
settle charges that it illegally operated cellular phone jamming
devices on its premises, in violation of FCC rules.

According to an Order issued in March 2016 by the U.S. Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), the company, The Supply Room, Inc. of
Oxford, AL, installed four cellphone jammers in the company’s
warehouse to prevent employees from using their cellphones at work.

An anonymous compliant about the jammers was filed with the FCC, which
resulted in an inspection of the warehouse in April 2012 by an agent
of the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau. During the inspection, the agent used
direction finding techniques to detect wideband emissions in the
cellular bands and confirm the presence of the jammers. Upon request,
the warehouse general manager surrendered the jammers to the agent.

The FCC initially issued a Notice of Apparent Liability in 2013,
proposing a monetary forfeiture of $144,000 for the company’s
violation of FCC rules against the use of cellphone jammers. However,
because of the company’s admission of wrongdoing and its cooperation
with the FCC, the parties agreed to the reduced fine.

The use of cellphone jamming devices is illegal under Commission
rules, and violations carry monetary penalties of up to $112,500 per
any single incident, as well as potential criminal sanctions,
including imprisonment. In addition to banning the use of jamming
devices by individuals, FCC rules also prohibit the importation,
advertising or selling of such devices.

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