ARLA/CLUSTER: O radioamadorismo é só um hobby e nada mais que isso.? IARU acredita que é muito mais
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 28 de Setembro de 2015 - 13:57:23 WEST
Is amateur radio only a hobby and nothing else?
Many amateurs believe that amateur radio is just a hobby and nothing else,
and its prime purpose is to make many DX contacts on HF and to collect QSL
cards, so why do you need to write an entrance exam for a hobby?
But in reality it is more than a hobby as it also provides a service to the
public during disasters via Hamnet, or radio communications during public
sports events.
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) is the international guardian
of amateur radio and liaises directly with the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), as well as to innovate and advance amateur
radio - and it is sponsored by amateur radio societies around the world
including the SARL.
The real facts are that the amateur radio service covers a large range of
activities where every amateur can find some aspect of it to enjoy, which
also includes experimenting, research and pioneering in the very wide field
of amateur radio science and technology all the way to the top end of the
microwave spectrum. This is why the ITU refers to amateur radio as a
service and not as a hobby as exemplified by CB Radio.
Do you think for one moment that the ITU would have allocated so many VHF,
UHF, SHF and EHF bands of valuable radio spectrum to hobbyists?
Fonte: The South African Radio League <>
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