ARLA/CLUSTER: 9H1DMR é o indicativo do 1º Repetidor DMR de Malta
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quinta-Feira, 3 de Setembro de 2015 - 14:03:32 WEST
Malta Digital Repeater update
The first DMR repeater in Malta has been operating for some time and now
has a new callsign.
Brothers Antoine and Herbert Debattista, with the co-operation of MCA
(Malta Communications Authority, the equivalent of the UK Ofcom), are
pleased to announce the repeater has been allocated *9H1DMR*.
The frequencies of operation are 438.525 MHz input and 430.925 Mhz output
and is hosted by C Bridge DMR UK, Colour Code 1 with slots TS1 and TS2.
Visiting amateurs to Malta are welcome to use the repeater using their
allocated Maltese callsigns which are obtainable free of charge from MCA on
The application form for a Maltese reciprocal licence can be found at:
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