ARLA/CLUSTER: REF faz parceria com a RFinder

CS7AGH cs7agh
Segunda-Feira, 19 de Outubro de 2015 - 15:47:17 WEST

Só falta Portugal!


> REF L’association Réseau des Émetteurs Français partners with RFinder
> - The World Wide Repeater Directory!
> REF L’association Réseau des Émetteurs Français and RFinder are
> pleased to announce a new partnership agreement effective 15 October,
> 2015. REF has now joined as the latest Member Society of RFinder.
> REF France will be responsible for maintaining the very latest FR
> repeater data for RFinder - The World Wide Repeater Directory. French
> radio amateurs who subscribe will have access to the entire world's
> directory while supporting REF France.
> RFinder is a steadily growing worldwide repeater directory which has
> over 50.000 repeaters in over 170 countries. Annual ~€9 subscription
> to RFinder provides access to repeater data through its collections of
> Apps on Android and iPhone, RadioBuddy on iPhone, web, RT Systems and
> CHIRP radio programmers.
> RFinder's new feature of repeater routing (
> allows finding of repeaters over routes worldwide. One subscription,
> access to repeater data worldwide, from any computing device on
> Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone and popular GPS systems.
> Real-time radio programming on Android and iPhone is provided by the
> open source RFinderPi, which is based on the Raspberry Pi. RFinder is
> tightly integrated with EchoLink both on Android and iPhone, providing
> one-click connection to repeaters worldwide from the directory!
> The RFinder team is honored to be REF France's partner, providing the
> very latest repeater information and directory technology for the
> Radio Amateurs of France. We look forward to working with REF to make
> the directory even better for French hams.  "We are excited and proud
> to announce our partnership during the French National Hamfest!," says
> Bob Greenberg, W2CYK, creator of RFinder - The World Wide Repeater
> Directory.
> REF L’association Réseau des Émetteurs Français, is the IARU
> representative for France.
> RFinder is the official repeater directory of Radio Amateurs Canada.
> Canadian Hams that purchase RFinder support RAC.
> RFinder is the official repeater directory app of Radio Society of
> Great Britain. UK Hams that purchase RFinder support RSGB.
> RFinder is the official repeater directory of Amateur Radio Society
> Italia. Italian Hams that purchase RFinder support ARS.
> RFinder is the official repeater directory of Federación Mexicana de
> Radioexperimentadores, A.C. . Mexican Hams that purchase RFinder
> support FMRE.
> RFinder is the official repeater directory of Deutscher
> Amateur-Radio-Club. German Hams that purchase RFinder support DARC.
> RFinder is El directorio de repetidor con la base de datos oficial de
> Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles...Radioaficionados que se
> suscriben contribuir a URE.
> RFinder is the official repeater directory of L’association Réseau des
> Émetteurs Français...French Hams that purchase RFinder support REF.
> Subscribe to RFinder by visiting  from
> your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch or your Android. Those without an Apple or
> Android device can subscribe with the link at the bottom of
> .
> Bob W2CYK
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