ARLA/CLUSTER: VERON alerta que empresa holandesa quer implementar o PLC nos Países Baixos e já notificou o regulador

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 2 de Outubro de 2015 - 13:57:51 WEST

 Plans for PLT in The Netherlands

The Dutch National Society VERON reports the energy network operator
Enexis is planning to use a powerline communcations technology for
fast Internet access. Such systems can pollute the RF spectrum which
is a precious natural resource

It appears the network administrator Enexis intends to start trials in
Stadskanaal to deliver Internet over the power lines. VERON is
concerned about these tests because of the impact on radio

The technique used is similar to the PLC technology which can cause
significant interference to radio users. The wiring of a house can act
as an antenna and widespread interference can result.

VERON have expressed their concern to the Telecom Agency.

VERON in Google English

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