ARLA/CLUSTER: Kits do Raspberry Pi para radioamadores

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 25 de Novembro de 2015 - 11:55:28 WET

Raspberry Pi Ham Radio Kits

Jenny List G7CKF has made available an RF Breakout kit and a Pi-HF
direct conversion radio kit for the Raspberry Pi

The breakout kit provides a breakout board to use the Raspberry Pi
clock generator as an RF source or simple amateur radio transmitter.
The Raspberry Pi has a built-in clock generator, a powerful frequency
synthesiser which can generate frequencies up to 250MHz. This is
enough to provide a useful RF signal source for experimentation, or
given suitable filtering and antennas to allow the Pi to be used as a
low-power amateur radio transmitter.

The Pi-HF is primarily for frequencies between 130 kHz and 30 MHz,
however it has a bandwidth over 100 MHz and so will also perform at
higher frequencies including the 50 MHz (6m) and 70 MHz (4m) amateur
bands with reduced performance. It is not a software-defined radio,
instead it is a traditional direct conversion radio receiver with
software control.

Raspberry Pi RF Breakout Kit (video)

Language Spy - Amateur Radio and Raspberry Pi kits

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