ARLA/CLUSTER: Portuguese National AM Day in Short Wave and VHF
Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano
Sexta-Feira, 6 de Novembro de 2015 - 10:49:47 WET
The Portuguese Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano -
ARLA, invites all hams, domestic and foreign, to participate in the
5th Edition of National AM Day in Short Wave and VHF; the bands are
80, 40, 20, 10, 6 and 2 meters, on Sunday, November 8, 2015, and
starting at 09:00 UTC in 7 146 kHz ( + - 5 kHz ).
The AM Emissions are promoted by ARLA and will take place in following
3 705 kHz (+- 5kHz)
7146 kHz ( + - 5 kHz )
14 270 kHz ( + - 5 kHz )
29 075 kHz ( + - 5 kHz )
51,575.0 MHz ( + - 5 kHz )
144,575.0 MHz ( + - 5 kHz )
This initiative seeks primarily to achieve the following objectives:
a) Provide an opportunity for the use of old equipment and treasured .
b ) To promote practical training and awareness of a form of issue
that is falling into disuse, particularly in action dedicated to the
training or testing of the Portuguese Amateur Entry level class
Licence (Category 3 in Portugal).
c ) provide a homage to the old broadcasting emissions in short wave
Amplitude Modulated, made from the Portuguese national territory.
The invitation extends to all national and international associations
looking to get involved in this training/awareness action activity,
including providing a transmission mode that made story, demonstrating
the virtues and qualities of how a old equipment sounds, or alerting
to the current catastrophic interference that is undermining everyday
use emissions telephony A3E in many regions.
The activity report ("Log Book") is not mandatory but would be
rewarding for those who started this event. All log's will be accepted
on the following email: .
Best Regards from Portugal,
João Costa, CT1FBF
Vogal da Direcção da ARLA
Este e-mail destina-se a fornecer informações de utilidade para os
Radioamadores e não poderá ser considerado SPAM.
Esta mensagem está de acordo com a legislação Europeia sobre o envio
de mensagens, nomeadamente a Directiva 2002/58/CE, transposta para a
legislação Portuguesa através do Decreto-Lei n.º 7/2004 (capítulo IV -
art. 20º e seguintes) e eventuais alterações produzida pelo
Decreto-Lei n.º 62/2009.
Qualquer mensagem deverá estar claramente identificada com os dados do
emissor que deverá proporcionar ao receptor a hipótese de ser movido
da lista.
Para ser removido desta lista, basta que nos responda a esta mensagem
colocando a palavra "Remover" no Assunto.
Mais informações acerca da lista CLUSTER