ARLA/CLUSTER: Estados Unidos são dos poucos países que tem planos de contingência em caso de catastróficas tempestades solares extremas

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 4 de Novembro de 2015 - 13:09:22 WET

Feds have plan in case we are hit with catastrophic solar flares

We take the nation's power grid for granted. But what would happen if the
power went out all over the country, or all over the world?
 This scenario has resulted in the White House coming out with a
contingency plan if a massive solar flare hits.

Most of us are familiar with the devastation caused by hurricanes,
earthquakes, and even droughts. But there is one natural phenomenon that
could devastate our technology-driven society, and that is space weather.

We hear and read about EMP's, solar flares and coronal mass ejections. As a
matter of fact, an intense solar flare disrupted low-frequency radio wave
communications over South America and the Atlantic Ocean on September 28
this year. And in October 2014, Digital Journal reported on an X-Class
event, the most powerful kind of solar flare.
 Writer Mark J. Allen wrote, "Earth-bound CMEs can cause geomagnetic storms
that can damage electrical equipment on orbiting satellites and radio
equipment on Earth as well as affecting the precision of global positioning
system (GPS) measurements."

Full article here:

To read the White House plan in its entirety:

Our thanks to Mike Terry for spotting this item
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