ARLA/CLUSTER: Terramoto no Nepal : IARU relembra a todos que o Centro de Actividade de Emergencia é 14,210 MHz e que DEVEM escutar ANTES de transmitir

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 14 de Maio de 2015 - 15:55:24 WEST

Nepal Earthquake

At 0705UTC on 12 May Nepal was hit by a new earthquake of magnitude 7.4
followed by significant aftershocks in the magnitude 5-6 region

There is still a large international disaster response structure in the
country from the earlier earthquakes but radio amateurs prepared for any
possible communications failures.

The planned response from the American MARS service with 9N1SP reported
that it was in place from 0900 UTC should support be required. Dr Panday
9N1SP however reported from the University that he was safe and that
internet service was functioning at that location. He is maintaining a
schedule of contacts with Tim T6TM in Afghanistan should the situation
change however all are concerned about the atability of buildings which
were already weakened by the earlier earthquake

Jayant Bhide VU2JAU was monitoring the usual frequency for Indian-Nepal
communications of 14.210 MHz after the earthquake and at 0845 UTC reported
that he had made contact with some stations in India who were also affected
by the quake but no Nepal stations. He has now estalbished contact with
9N1AA who reports that there is local communications and power disruption
with citizens being encourages to use SMS rather than voice calls, probably
to reduce the load on the networks. He now has a schedule with 9N1AA on an
hourly basis.

The 9N1Emergency group on Facebook has established telephone contact with
Satish 9N1AA who confirmed he had communications. Their contact with Nepal
is also now on a scheduled rather than a continuous basis.

To demonstrate the extent of the communications infrastructure now in the
area the International Red Cross are indicating that any journalists who
want news of the latest event can call a contact person in the country. The
latest earthquake will inevitably lead to missing person enquiries and
Radio Amateurs are reminded of the Red Cross facility at which
should be used for these enquiries.

Although there is no apparent need for amateur radio emergency
communications at this time, everyone is reminded that IARU Emergency
Centres of Activity along with 14.210 MHz may be in use and to please
listen carefully before transmitting. There is however no need to call and
'keep a frequency clear' as this may affect communications which are
happening local to the disaster area e.g. Afghanistan and India.

*Greg Mossop G0DUB* IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator

9N1EMERGENCY Facebook Group
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