Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: DXpedition em 2016 à Ilha de Bouvet
Fabiano Moser
Terça-Feira, 12 de Maio de 2015 - 16:52:30 WEST
pelo que diz e entendi a expedição não irá acontecer.
On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 1:53 PM, João Costa > CT1FBF <ct1fbf>
> * A ilha Bouvet é uma possessão norueguesa na extremidade sul do
> oceano Atlântico. A Ilha Bouvet é a mais isolada ilha desabitada do
> mundo, estando localizada a mais de 1600 km da Terra da Rainha Maud,
> na Antártida, que é o pedaço de terra mais próximo. Além da Antártida,
> as outras distâncias a partir de Bouvet são ainda maiores, chegando a
> 1835 km até a ilha Gough, no território britânico de Santa Helena,
> Ascensão e Tristão da Cunha; a 1852 km até a ilha Montagu, no também
> território britânico das Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul; a
> 2498 km até ao cabo da Boa Esperança, na Ãfrica do Sul; e a 2504 km
> até à ilha Marion, no arquipélago sul-africano das Ilhas do PrÃncipe
> Eduardo.
> Bouvet Island 2016 DXpedition
> Dear DXer - Before sending out a press release, I wanted to share the
> following with those fellow hams who generously pledged to financially
> support the Bouvet Island 'one-man three-month concept'.
> After press release #3, I was optimistic in terms of securing the
> required funding for my expedition. Thanks to so many of you, the
> necessary
> up-front expenses were getting close to being covered by the pledges
> received at that time. I was also hopeful that the larger DX associations
> and foundations would step forward to contribute as we were getting
> close to realization.
> At this point in time, I have no other choice than to report that the
> funding is not sufficient to move forward. As I am sure you know, there
> are a number of large DXpeditions being arranged for late 2015 and early
> 2016, and they are more or less competing for the same resources.
> I didn't manage to create sufficient interest among potential external
> (non-ham) donors, and my one-man concept is of course somewhat
> controversial by nature. Though, I am still convinced that - even if
> my particular approach is not necessarily the solution - future
> DXpeditioning has to find other forms in order to remain sustainable.
> After having received permission for Bouvet from NPI (Norwegian Polar
> Institute), my wife (!), my employer (5 months leave without pay) and
> getting close to the sufficient up-front funding (you), this is a bitter
> pill to swallow. But I am extremely grateful to all of you for having
> lived this dream with me. And not the least to my angel sponsor who
> kept things going.
> As I stated from the beginning, don't be sad, someone else will activate
> Bouvet! Thank you again for your enthusiasm and devotion to our wonderful
> hobby.
> 73 - Mark - ON4WW
> Fonte : OPDX
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