ARLA/CLUSTER: India : N.º de jovens radioamadores cresce a partir do contacto com astronautas na ISS

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 5 de Maio de 2015 - 13:42:16 WEST

Youngest radio ham in Gujarat state

In 2012 St. Paul's school student *Sakshi Vagadia* spoke to astronaut
Sunita Williams KD5PLB in an ARISS school contact.

Now, at 15, she has received her amateur radio licence *VU3EXP *

Sakshi has just finished her 9th grade in St. Paul's School, Rajkot and is
the fourth member of her family to get an amateur licence.
Her father is *Rajesabhai Vagadia VU2EXP*, her uncle is *Prakash Vagadia
VU3PLJ* and her cousin is *Priyesa Vagadia VU3GLY*.

A year after speaking to Sunita Williams KD5PLB via the ARISS program
Sakshi was able to meet her in person when Sunita visited the Government
Science College (GSC) in Ahmedabad.

Sakshi did her training at the Gujarat Institute of Amateur Radio in
Gandhinagar and took her amateur radio examination on February 25, 2013
received her pass result on April 2, 2013. It took the Government of India
(WPC Wing) over *two years* to issue her amateur radio licence which she
finally received on April 24, 2015.

Sakshi's achievement was reported in the local press. See the article
written in Gujarati at

It can be difficult to get an amateur radio licence in India. The archaic
licensing system appears to have changed little since the 1940's and is
plagued with bureaucracy. After passing the exam it can take 12-24 months
for Government officials to process the licence application. Among the
information required on an Indian licence application are things such as
height, eye colour, occupation and details of your Father, although not
your Mother. There are even police checks on the suitability of an
applicant. There are some parts of the country where the Government simply
refuses to issue any amateur radio licences.

Indian Ham Radio Licensing

India seeks relaxation of red-tape provisions

2012 Sunita Williams KD5PLB ARISS school contact
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