ARLA/CLUSTER: E.U.A. : "Amateur Radio vanity call sign " desaparecem em Setembro de 2015

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 31 de Julho de 2015 - 13:09:07 WEST

Amateur Radio vanity call sign fee to disappear in September

The Amateur Radio vanity call sign regulatory fee is set to disappear
in the next few weeks. According to the best-available information
from FCC sources, the first day that applicants will be able to file a
vanity application without having to pay a fee is Thursday, September

In deciding earlier this year to drop the regulatory fee components
for Amateur Radio vanity call signs and General Mobile Radio Service
(GMRS) applications, the FCC said it was doing so to save money and
personnel resources. The Commission asserted that it costs more of
both to process the regulatory fees and issue refunds than the amount
of the regulatory fee payment.

"Our costs have increased over time, and now that the costs exceed the
amount of the regulatory fee, the increased relative administrative
cost supports eliminating this regulatory fee category," the FCC said
in its Report and Order, which appeared on July 21 in The Federal
Register. "Once [it's] eliminated, these licensees will no longer be
financially burdened with such payments, and the Commission will no
longer incur these administrative costs that exceed the fee payments."

The FCC raised the Amateur Service vanity call sign regulatory fee
from $16.10 to its current $21.40 for the 10-year license term in
2014. The $5.30 increase was the largest such fee hike in many years.
In a typical fiscal year, the FCC collected on the order of $250,000
in vanity call sign regulatory fees.

The FCC said the revenue it would otherwise collect from such
regulatory fees "will be proportionally assessed on other wireless fee
categories." Congress has mandated that the FCC collect nearly $340
million in regulatory fees from all services in fiscal year 2015.

Fonte : The American Radio Relay League

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