ARLA/CLUSTER: Nova edição do HamRadioNow disponivel

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 27 de Julho de 2015 - 17:49:02 WEST

New edition of HamRadioNow released

*Gary Pearce KN4AQ* looks at the ARRL Board Meeting; the Senate sponsor of
the Amateur Radio Parity Act; Reddit's Ham Radio subReddit; a start-up car
company CEO takes a swipe at Ham Radio

Also some ham music videos that have been lurking around a while;
D-STAR on HF; the '100 Watts and a Wire' podcast; and the Munsters on Ham
Radio. Lots of Random Stuff!

And Gary read the HamRadioNow "RSS" address wrong. He said "Slash XML," but
he meant "Dot XML". So to subscribe to HamRadioNow audio on your phone's
podcast app, here's the address:

Watch HRN 212: Lots of Random Stuff on HamRadioNow

Previous editions of HamRadioNow
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