ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores desenvolvem soluções com impressoras 3D

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 26 de Janeiro de 2015 - 13:37:34 WET

Radio ham in Maker article

An article about radio amateur Phil Crump M0DNY describes how he used
3D printing to build an alternative power supply solution for his
camera for operation at high-altitudes

Phil is a Volunteer RF Engineering Consultant for Southampton
University’s UOS3 Cubesat Project. He wanted to use his Canon SD1000
camera for high-altitude balloon flights but found the low
temperatures reduced the lifetime of the camera battery to just 34

With the help of So Make It, a Maker and Hackerspace in Southampton he
was able to develop a solution.

Read the 3D Print article at

So Make It

University of Southampton Small Satellite

High-altitude balloon links

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