ARLA/CLUSTER: Projecto Ilha Bouvet 2015 - A mais isolada ilha desabitada do mundo.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 5 de Janeiro de 2015 - 14:32:39 WET

A ilha Bouvet (norueguês: Bouvetøya) é uma possessão norueguesa na
extremidade sul do Oceano Atlântico.
A Ilha Bouvet é a mais isolada ilha desabitada do mundo, estando localizada
a mais de 1600 km da Terra da Rainha Maud, na Antártida, que é o pedaço de
terra mais próximo.
Além da Antártida, as outras distâncias a partir de Bouvet são ainda
maiores, chegando a 1835 km até a ilha Gough, no território britânico de
Santa Helena, Ascensão e Tristão da Cunha; a 1852 km até a Ilha Montagu, no
também território britânico das Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul; a
2498 km até ao Cabo da Boa Esperança, na Ãfrica do Sul; e a 2504 km até à
ilha Marion, no arquipélago sul-africano das Ilhas do Príncipe Eduardo.The
Bouvet Island Project

It is getting close to 'decision time' whether or not the Bouvet project
will go forward. I am amazed by the amount of funding intentions received
from individual DXers and DX Foundations/Clubs alike.

As stated from the beginning, I will be very transparent about every
aspect of this project, finances not being the least.
At this point in time, 112k euro out of the needed 250k euro are on the
budget spreadsheet, this is exciting news!

The funding intentions from individual DXers range from 10,- USD to a
staggering 100,000 USD (8,- EUR to 82,000 EUR).
Yes, there is an angel contributor willing to donate this much of money
to see this project succeed!

I am expecting the input of some of the DX Foundations, DX Clubs and
other Amateur Radio related Institutions to reach me in the next few weeks.
As such, I am postponing the deadline for a possible go ahead until the end
of January 2015.

Some of you have raised a point of concern about two teams possibly
activating Bouvet around the same time period. I have done my homework on
this, and with all data at hand I see no reason to adjust my initial
concept. In regard to possible funding for the two efforts, luckily for
you, the deserving DXer and the DX Foundations/Clubs there are mechanisms
in place to determine the viability and success factors of both efforts.

The unique one-man effort over a 3 month time period, will undoubtedly
show how this different approach will make more people happy (compared to a
multi-operator team, short time period).

Have a closer look why.

It is in the scope of this project:
1. To work as many unique stations as possible;
Thanks to the 3 month time period, I will be able to work 1 or 2 specific
bands exactly for this purpose. The very last interested QRPp station
willing to work Bouvet and willing to put the necessary time and effort
from his/her side into it, will be able to get in the log;

2. To work those stations that need Bouvet on certain bandslots/modes
to achieve 9 band clean sweeps;

3. To provide SSB, CW and RTTY contacts for those needing certain modes.

For all audiences, I will have plenty of time. It will be the primary
reason for me being on Bouvet, making radio contacts, as many as possible.
Whether or not there will be two DXpeditions activating Bouvet, all the
target audiences (unique/9 band-ers/modes) will ultimately have a better
shot with the 3 month concept.

For this approach to be successful, it needs one or two things.
- Club Log is a great asset to Amateur Radio. However, the 'Leaderboard'
function will not be used;
- I will ask to those who already have Bouvet confirmed on certain
bands/modes: only work Bouvet where you need it.

I am confident I can count on the fair play from the deserving DXers to
just work Bouvet where they need it. Resulting in being able to work the
pileups down to the very last QRPp or mobile station and at the same time
making the 9 band hams reach their objective.

For those of you who would like to, and are able to contribute to the
project upfront, pse send an e-mail to "bouvet2016 'at'" with
the amount you intend to donate.
Again, I do not want/need any money now, there is no PayPal account,
it is just your funding intention I need to know at this point in time.
The final total on my spreadsheet will tell me whether to go ahead or
not. A final thought: 112k out of 250k is not enough to go ahead.

Thank you to those who already stepped forward, much appreciated!
Wishing all of you a happy and healthy 2015, and may your logs be
filled with wonderful DX....

73 - *Mark - ON4WW*

Fonte: OPDX
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