ARLA/CLUSTER: Fazer radioastronomia de amador com um SDR Dongle

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 16 de Fevereiro de 2015 - 13:26:59 WET

Radio Astronomy and SDR Dongles

*David Morgan 2W0CXV* has released several papers covering the use of the
RTL-SDR Dongle in radio astronomy

In 2011 David described the equipment configuration and software involved
in setting to work a small 3m diameter amateur radio telescope using the
FUNcube Dongle Pro software defined radio receiver.

At the end of 2014 he published a paper dealing with the setting up and use
of a RTL-SDR dongle to receive meteor pings from the Graves Radar on
143.050 MHz.

He has now released two new papers covering the measurement of signal
strength and  RF noise sources with the RTL-SDR.

Download David’s papers from

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