ARLA/CLUSTER: Nova Zelândia atribuiu bandas especificas em 433 MHz e superiores a serem usadas pelos drones de acesso publico

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 2 de Fevereiro de 2015 - 14:27:19 WET

NZ frequency guidelines for drones

New Zealand's Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) has published guidelines
on frequencies that may be used for drones

Remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) must use the right radio
frequencies, so they don’t cause harmful interference to vital radio
systems such as air traffic control, cellular phones, or emergency

People who use the wrong frequencies for their RPAS can be prosecuted
under the Radiocommunications Act 1989 and the Radiocommunications
Regulations 2001.

The most commonly used frequencies that are legal for RPAS in New
Zealand are 433 MHz or 2.4 GHz for remote control, along with 5.8 GHz
for video and audio links. RPAS can use any of the frequencies in the
General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices and the General
User Radio Licence for Aeronautical Control. These are the only
frequencies that RPAS are permitted to use in New Zealand.

RPAS must also comply with the licence conditions set out in the
General User Licences and the Radiocommuncations (Radio Standards)
Notice 2010.

Because most RPAS equipment is developed offshore, it often exceeds
the frequency and power limits required in New Zealand, and so it is
illegal to possess or use here.

If you intend to buy an RPAS, ask the supplier for evidence of
compliance with New Zealand requirements. This will be shown on the
product by a supplier code number (SCN) or R-NZ label.


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