ARLA/CLUSTER: Sim, é possível fazer-se DX com antenas muito curtas. Assista ao video de Larry Shaunce (WD0AKX) no YouTube

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 21 de Dezembro de 2015 - 14:56:39 WET

Ham radio DX on very short antenna

Larry Shaunce WD0AKX has released a video showing what can be worked with a
small amateur radio antenna

Here is a great demo on how to get on HF ham radio using a very small
antenna and make contacts

Rodger was able to talk to several locations around the world. A must see
video. This video was taken at NX0P's location near Glenville and Albert
Lea, Minnesota.

Watch Ham Radio DX On Very Short Antenna - A Must See NX0P
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