ARLA/CLUSTER: Noticias da Coreia do Norte

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 21 de Dezembro de 2015 - 14:26:54 WET

P5, North Korea

As reported last week, *Dom, 3Z9DX*, was expected to travel to North Korea
sometime before Christmas to continue talks with government

Well, Dom has been in Pyongyang since December 16th, and is meeting with
telecom officials and other representatives. He did bring his equipment
into the country and surprisingly was able to begin an operation
(demonstration) early Sunday morning on 21222 kHz. Reports
indicate he was very weak.

The excerpts from "DXNEWS" and "DX-World" reports that Dom made +350 QSOs
during his demonstration. His antenna is on a metal fence post 2m above the
ground among government high rise buildings.
The lowest noise level on 15m was 59+10, and on 20m it was 59+30.

Dom was surrounded by a lot of people as he operates (officials
coming in and out). Dom points out this operation is only a presentation
so it's possible a different QTH will be found for the real activity
planned for early next year.

His equipment will remain in P5 for his potential future activities in
January/February. Dom will return home to Poland on December 22nd (DXNEWS)
or Christmas Day (DX-World).

This all sounds good for possibly opening the door to amateur radio in P5

Fonte: OPDX
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