ARLA/CLUSTER: Rede mundial "Reverse Beacon Network " está a ser usada em projecto de pesquisa cientifica

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 21 de Agosto de 2015 - 12:35:02 WEST

Undergrad radio ham uses Reverse Beacon Network in research project

A Virginia Tech undergraduate researcher and radio amateur has used Super
Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) and Reverse Beacon Network (RBN)

His study shows how solar flares impact HF radio propagation over the
entire dayside — the time Earth is in sunlight — with communication loss
related to both flare intensity and distribution.

*Carson Squibb, KM4MBQ*, recently summarized his findings in a poster
presentation, “Dayside Ionospheric Response to X-Class Solar Flare Events
Observed with Reverse Beacon Network High Frequency Communication Links.â€
As most HF operators understand, higher-intensity flare events can cause
complete signal loss on HF, while weaker flares may only partly inhibit
radio propagation.

Read the full ARRL story at
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