ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores montam uma rede mundial de auxilio ao Nepal

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 30 de Abril de 2015 - 13:10:45 WEST

Blenheim radio ham listens to Nepalese emergency

The Marlborough Express reports a Blenheim amateur radio enthusiast is
among a worldwide network of radio hams helping keep the airwaves clear for
emergency messages coming out of Nepal following the earthquake

The newspaper interviewed *Phillip Conza ZL2TZE* about his involvement in
the aftermath of the earthquake. Amateur radio enthusiasts around the world
were "on deck" immediately after the earthquake trying to establish a link
into the area, he said. Conza, a landscaper, said he did not mind giving up
his free time to help out.

Read the full story at

Amateur radio involvement in Nepal Earthquake
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