ARLA/CLUSTER: PS-41 : Radio-Balão australiano circumnavega o globo.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 17 de Abril de 2015 - 13:39:19 WEST

Aussie balloon circumnavigates the globe

After being released in Victoria Australia on Easter Monday (April 6),
the foil party-type balloon PS-41 has achieved the longest range in
project Picospace and circled the globe.

The latest solar powered helium filled balloon PS-41 launched by Andy
Nguyen VK3YT on April 6, has an HF payload, transmitting 25mW on the
30m and 20m bands, sending WSPR spots and JT9 telemetry.

Andy Nguyen VK3YT said: "PS-41 crossed 144.903 degree longitude (0120
UTC Thursday April 16) which it started from more than 10 days ago,
marking a complete round trip around the globe.

"Thanks to everyone for assistance with tracking and providing
encouragement for the project, the trip would not have been possible
without you."

Earlier its sister balloon PS-30 went down on January 16 in suspected
poor weather off the east coast of Africa near Madagascar.

The high-attitude balloon PS-41 took a path over Tasmania, then south
of New Zealand, the southern tip of South America, directly over the
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, well south of Africa, and
back across to Australia.

While south of Tasmania, it abruptly changed course like a petulant
child to be on a southerly track, but it has encircled the globe.

Another balloon PS-42 made its way to the Southern Pacific between New
Zealand and South America.

Andy Nguyen VK3YT said: "PS-41 and PS-42 are still in the air, and
will continue to be tracked in the coming days."

These have been extensively via JT9 by a network in VK, ZL, South
America and South Africa, and Ireland. WSPR spots have as received all
over the world.

How much longer the pico balloons can stay afloat in for anyone to
guess - but we congratulate Andy VK3YT, his team and the trackers as
near-space exploration continues.

Jim Linton VK3PC

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