ARLA/CLUSTER: Grupos universitários alemães de radioamadores crescem em importância e numero

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 16 de Abril de 2015 - 13:59:52 WEST

Ham radio at Universities growing in importance

The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) report on amateur radio groups in

DARC Officer *Annette Coenen, DL6SAK*, and *Joachim Posegga, DL7JP*, of the
University of Passau say there are now 36 universities with ham radio
groups listed in the German-speaking world. The 32 German universities
being complemented by *English-speaking* universities in neighboring
countries, Lucerne and Zurich in Switzerland and Linz and Vienna in Austria.

An email network exists to facilitate the exchange of information on
planned amateur radio activities at the universities. An aim is to promote
young talent and organize training courses.

The first meet-up of participants will take place at the HAM RADIO event in
Friedrichshafen on Saturday, June 27, 2015.

All DARC members, local organizations, speakers and districts are
encouraged to learn about what amateur radio offers at Universities and
establish contacts and support groups to cooperate with them. There is much
potential for recruitment to the hobby at Universities.

A list of Universities with amateur radio groups can be found at

Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) in Google English
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