ARLA/CLUSTER: HamRadioNow entrevista o responsável pelo ARRL Lab

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 9 de Abril de 2015 - 13:33:48 WEST

W1RFI: Tall Tales from the ARRL Lab

In this episode of HamRadioNow Gary Pearce KN4AQ talks to ARRL Lab
Manager Ed Hare W1RFI whose passion is QRN - identifying it and
getting rid of it

Unfortunately, it's getting worse instead of better. The main culprit?
Sw... wait, this isn't the book.. watch the darn show and see.

Oh, and Tall Tales? Well, also unfortunately, that part's
unauthorized, so you WILL NOT SEE that in this episode. So don't
bother watching beyond the first 11 minutes. Just DON"T!

Watch HRN 196: W1RFI, Tall Tales from the ARRL Lab on HamRadioNow

Previous editions of HamRadioNow

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