ARLA/CLUSTER: O radioamadorismo é a "Mãe original de todas as Redes Sociais" existentes.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 6 de Abril de 2015 - 14:46:16 WEST

Ham radio fans celebrate 'original social network'

The Atlantic City Press reports on the presentation about amateur
radio given to young people at the Jersey Shore Children’s Museum in
the Hamilton Mall

William McCord KC2ONQ and Bob Webb WA2YSA of the Southern Counties
Amateur Radio Association are regular presenters at the non-profit

Bob introduced children to Morse code, something he learned as a
teenager when he got his first amateur radio license. “Texting has
been around for 100 years through Morse code. Even then we wouldn’t
spell out whole words. It’s a binary code,” he said. Common Morse
phrases include “BCNU” for “be seeing you.”

Read the full article at

Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association

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