ARLA/CLUSTER: "Streaming" da convenção da British Amateur Television Club este fim de semana.
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 5 de Setembro de 2014 - 13:26:44 WEST
BATC Convention this weekend
The British Amateur Television Club Convention CAT-14 takes place
September 6-7 in Basingstoke and should be streamed live
The convention takes place in the Everest Community Academy, Oxford
Way, Basingstoke, RG24 9UP.
Appropriately the streamed video will be using an RF path going via
70 cm DATV to G8GTZ's remote station then via a 5.6 GHz WiFi link to
G8GTZ's main station then via BT Infinity to the BATC server.
Among the talks are:
- DATV-Express, great expectations by Charles G4GUO
- ISS HAMTV experiences and success by Colin G4KLB
- DVB-S satellite transponder for Amateur TV use by Graham G3VZV
- 4K television, what, how and why by Mike Cox
- Producing Amateur Television programs - how to make ATV more
interesting by Mike G8LES
- Digilite, what next by Brian G4EWJ
- Using Surface mount components at home - a talk by Kevin G3AAH. This
will be followed by practical workshops where you can build something
Further information and the schedule is at
Watch the streaming under "Live Events" at
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