ARLA/CLUSTER: CEPT WGFM: Novo segmento da banda dos 4m pode ir de 69,9 a 70,5 MHz e repetidores de TV em 23cm não vão ser permitidos

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Outubro de 2014 - 14:27:42 WEST

CEPT WGFM discuss 69.9-70.5 MHz ham radio band

During the last meeting of the CEPT European Communications Committee’s
(ECC) Frequency Management Working Group (WGFM) held in France, 5-10
October 2014, IARU presented a multi country contribution (document
FM(14)127-R1) on behalf of five countries and IARU Region 1

The document proposed a modification of the European Common frequency
Allocation table (ECA) by allocating the band 69.9 - 70.5 MHz, on a
secondary basis to the amateur service.

The document explained that around thirty CEPT administrations had already
allowed national amateur use of the band but some remaining CEPT countries
required a clear regulatory decision before they were able to open all, or
parts of this band to secondary two-way amateur usage. The proposal was
therefore to amend the ECA Table to include a secondary allocation to the
amateur service for the band 69.9 – 70.5 MHz and additionally update
existing footnote EU9 to state that CEPT administrations may allocate all
or parts of the band to the amateur service.

Whilst three countries opposed this proposal it was supported by more than
ten administrations. In addition since fourteen CEPT administrations had
already notified such a usage in the European Communications Office’s
Frequency Information System (EFIS), the WGFM therefore agreed to include
this allocation change in the next revision of the ECA Table.

It should be noted that this excellent outcome does not necessarily mean
that frequencies between 69.9 and 70.5 MHz will be immediately available in
all CEPT countries as the ECA is not binding on CEPT national regulatory
authorities. However it does provide a clear basis for IARU member
societies to seek a 4 metre allocation from their national licensing

The ECA is formally approved, revised and published by the ECC once per
year. It is expected that the revision incorporating the change described
in this notice will occur in summer 2015.

Source: IARU Region 1, David Court EI3IO

The meeting also discussed the closing down of an Amateur TV repeater to
protect a 1260-1300 MHz Galileo GNSS receiver.

To download the WGFM meeting documents follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. Click on 'Filter and search'
3. In 'Group' select 'WG FM'
4. Click on '2014'
5. Click on '81st WG FM - October 06 - 10, Sophia-Antipolis, France'
6. Click on 'Input'
7. Tick all the documents you wish to download e.g.
'GNSS+Amateur Info' and 'Possible Modification to ECA band 69.9 to 70.5 MHz'
8. Click on the 'download Selected' button (top right)
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