ARLA/CLUSTER: Será que as manchas solares estão de volta ou isto é o ultimo suspiro.? AR2192, a maior em 25 anos

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 14 de Novembro de 2014 - 13:19:20 WET

Old Sunspot Returns

*Space Weather* reports late last month, the biggest sunspot in nearly 25
years crossed the face of the sun, blasting Earth's upper atmosphere with
dozens of solar flares. Its name was *AR2192*, and now it's back

The old sunspot is emerging over the sun's southeastern limb following two
weeks on the farside of the sun. See the website for a movie from the Solar
and Heliospheric Observatory.

In late October, AR2192 unleashed 6 X-class solar flares and many more
M-class flares. Strong HF radio blackouts were a daily occurance, and
millions of people glimpsed the sunspot during a partial solar eclipse.

For the past two weeks, the behemoth sunspot has been transiting the
farside of the sun. During that time it probably decayed. Even if it
retains only a fraction of its former vigor, however, it could still bring
a significant uptick in solar activity when it fully emerges in the days

Space Weather
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