ARLA/CLUSTER: Novo Raspberry Pi A+ por 20 Dolares

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 11 de Novembro de 2014 - 11:32:23 WET

New Raspberry Pi A+ just $20

The *I Programmer* website reports:
As we predicted over the weekend, when we noticed a web ad for it that had
been shown prematurely, the Raspberry Pi Model A+ has been launched today.
The additional news is that it will sell for just $20.

After the Raspberry Pi B was upgraded to the B+ it was inevitable that the
model A would follow. We were even promised something "special" in a recent

Despite trying to keep it secret until today's official announcement by
Eben Upton, Element 14, a major Raspberry Pi retailer, briefly published
some details on Sunday by way of a web page getting ready to sell you a new
model A+ and on the basis of this leaked info we were able to deduce that
the A+ has acquired the same set of improvements that were introduced with
the B+.

Read the full article with pictures at:

Our thanks to *Stephen, G7VFY* for spotting this item
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