ARLA/CLUSTER: IARU apela aos membros da ITU que tomem medidas contra as interferências nas bandas de amador
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 3 de Novembro de 2014 - 13:09:37 WET
IARU seeks to rein in electromagnetic interference
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Administrative Council
(AC) has called upon ITU signatory nations to take steps to ensure
that the operation of 'electrical apparatus or installations of any
kind, including power and telecommunication distribution networks,'
does not cause harmful interference to Amateur Radio operations
The ARRL report:
The Council adopted a resolution expressing concern with the “rapid
and largely uncontrolled growth” in devices that generate RF energy
“as an unnecessary and undesirable consequence of their operation.” It
cited such devices as switching power supplies, power inverters,
plasma video displays, and wireline telecommunication systems that
employ such technologies as Broadband over Power Lines (BPL).
The AC said new technologies such as wireless power transfer are
likely to be deployed widely in the near future, and it expressed
“deep concern” that present standards, regulations, and enforcement
resources are inadequate to protect radio services, including Amateur
Radio, from harmful interference.
The Council’s action, which came during its annual meeting (see
"Summary Record") on September 27 and 28 in Albena, Bulgaria, followed
the recommendation of IARU EMC Coordinator Thilo Kootz, DL9KCE. The
resolution encourages IARU member-societies and regional organizations
“to pursue implementation of the resolution as a matter of the highest
priority,” requests standards-setting bodies and regulators to fully
support the resolution’s objectives, and implores designers and
manufacturers to “minimize radio spectrum pollution emanating from
their products.”
Read the full ARRL story at
IARU Administrative Council 2014 Summary Record
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