ARLA/CLUSTER: A Australia alargar a Internet nos aviões

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 20 de Maio de 2014 - 16:35:28 WEST


The Australian communications company *Telstra* has begun trialling the use
of mobiles on planes, including the ability to deliver a broadband signal
to aircraft that allows phone users to use 4G to browse the web, send and
receive emails, make video calls, watch movies and download music and

The testing of the network on mock flights between Melbourne and Sydney has
so far delivered fast speeds of up to 15 megabits per second.

Special antennas have been erected on four phone towers between the two
capitals to deliver broadband signals to passengers en route.

Trials were conducted on a twin-propeller aircraft and a Cessna mustang jet
that flew at the height of a commercial flight at 30,000 feet.

Testing has not yet extended to include sending and receiving text messages
and making phone calls.

Fonte: WIA,
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