ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL consegue com vigoroza oposição parar a expansão dos RFID para as bandas de amador dos 70 cm

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 16 de Maio de 2014 - 13:24:17 WEST

 Petition to expand RFID use on 70cm withdrawn

Thanks to vigorous opposition by ARRL the FCC has dismissed without
prejudice a Petition for Rule Making (RM-11651) which would have
allowed deployment of a radio frequency identification (RFID) system
in 433.5-434.5 MHz

The ARRL report:

The ARRL had staunchly opposed the petition by Lockheed Martin, which
the firm filed on behalf of its subsidiary, Savi Technology. The
League locked horns with Savi years ago, when the company successfully
petitioned the FCC to amend its Part 15 rules governing periodic
radiators to permit high-power, near-continuous duty RFID tags in the
433 MHz band. As a concession to opponents, the FCC limited deployment
of the devices to “commercial and industrial areas” and allowed their
use only for tracking “commercial shipping containers.” Lockheed
Martin acquired Savi Techologies in 2006.

The now-dismissed petition would have expanded the frequency range of
the RFID tags to 433.05-434.79 MHz, required listen-before-transmit
protocols to avoid interference to Amateur Radio, eliminated a
manufacturer registration requirement, and dropped rules that
prohibited deploying the devices outside “commercial or industrial
areas” and limited their application to “commercial shipping

The ARRL filed vigorous opposition to the Lockheed Martin Petition in
January 2012, saying that Lockheed’s petition “seeks to undo virtually
all of the few interference protections” the FCC had adopted in 2004,
“solely on the basis of vaguely stated advances in RFID technology.”
Other Part 15 device manufacturers also opposed any expansion of the
high-power application.

Read the full ARRL story at

Petition for Rulemaking RM-11651

The ARRL response to RM-11651

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