ARLA/CLUSTER: RFinder anuncia a maior atualização de funcionalidades para Android e proximamente para iPhone

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 15 de Maio de 2014 - 12:57:46 WEST

RFinder - now the SOCIAL World Wide Repeater Directory!

>From the Shack of W2CYK in Wading River, NY

The RFinder team is pleased to announce a major update on Android...
these features will be available on iPhone late June-early July..

By downloading the latest version of RFinder, V3.14.133 or later now
available in Google Play, you get the following new functionality:

Search for a repeater you are currently monitoring. Touch the repeater
in the list and check in. All other RFinder users in the area now know
you are there.

In Application Settings screen, there are settings for Automatic
Checkin Timeout and list update frequency.

Additionally we are now integrated with the EchoLink App on Android
(iPhone coming soon...waiting on the next update of the EchoLink App
on iOS)...You can see this on this YouTube video

The phone's database now automatically updates as you move!

iPhone support to follow in the next month or so and will come as a
normal update.

More info about The World Wide Repeater Directory can be found:

Google Play:
email: W2CYK
Dayton: Booth NH246

Stay tuned... more new stuff by Dayton! See you there!

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