ARLA/CLUSTER: Video de introdução a sistemas de antenas montadas em rotor para satelites
João Costa > CT1FBF
Terça-Feira, 18 de Março de 2014 - 14:06:06 WET
WRAPS Antenna Rotor System Introduction
In the first of four videos, Spence, WA8SME, explains the operation of
the amateur radio WRAPS antenna rotor system
The WRAPS system points a lightweight antenna towards a passing
amateur radio satellite (or weather or other satellite), facilitating
the capture of telemetry or participation in conversations via
The remaining 3 WRAPS videos demonstrate the operation of WRAPS to
capture telemetry from the FUNcube satellite using the SatPC32
software and the FUNcube Dashboard.
Watch WRAPS Antenna Rotor System Introduction Video 1
The other videos in the series are available at
Thanks to the ARRL and WA8SME a PDF of the QST article on the WRAPS
antenna rotor system can be downloaded from
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