ARLA/CLUSTER: Regulamento dos Concursos IARU Região 1 50 MHz, 145 MHz e UHF / Microondas 2014

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 20 de Junho de 2014 - 17:33:03 WEST

Dados mais significativos:

Date of contests
• The 50 MHz contest will begin on the third Saturday of June.
( 21 e 22 de Junho de 2014 )
• The 145 MHz contest shall start on the first Saturday of September.
( 6 e 7 de Setembro de 2014)
• The UHF/Microwave contest will start on the first Saturday of October.
( 4 e 5 de Outubro de 2014 )

Duration of contests
• The contest will commence at 14:00 hours UTC on the Saturday and end
at 14:00 hours UTC on the Sunday.

 Type of emission
• Contacts may be made in A1A(CW), J3E(USB) or F3E(FM) (G3E)(Voz Digital).

Contest sections
The contests shall comprise the following sections for each band from
50 MHz to 10 GHz and for Millimeter group (the combined group of
amateur bands above 10 GHz) :
• Section SINGLE - Stations operated by a single operator, with no
assistance during the contest.
• Section MULTI - All other entrants
• Section ROVER (SINGLE) (1,2 GHz and UP)
A Rover station is a station travelling (and taking all its equipment
and antennas) to more than one location during the same contest. Rover
stations should indicate that they are operating as such, for example
by calling “CQ Rover” and current locator. A Rover station can be
worked more than once, on the condition that the Rover has changed
from locator square and moved at least 5km, this means a change of one
of the 4 first digits (e.g. from JO32.. to JO31..). The final score of
the Rover station is the sum of the logs per square. A Rover station
makes a specific EDI file for each locator. The sum of the different
logs will be the final result of the Rover station.

• Each station may only be worked once per band, whether it is fixed,
portable or mobile. If a station is worked again during the same
contest on the same band, only one contact may count for points
(except in the case of Rover stations), but any duplicate contacts
should be logged without claim for points and clearly marked as
Contacts made via active repeaters and EME contacts do not count for
points. Competitors are obliged to follow common definition for a
valid QSO (described in the VHF Managers Handbook v6.12). The contest
exchange (call, report, QSO number and locator) shall be sent and
confirmed on the band where the contact started and only during the

• The entries must be set out in digital/electronic form fulfilling
the requirements under rule 5.3.13. Logs must be sent to the national
VHF Manager or the national Contest Committee or uploaded to the
IARU-Region 1 log roboter not later than the second
Monday following the contest weekend. Late entries will not be
accepted. The submission of the logs implies that the entrant accepts
the contest rules.

• Logs in standard digital format (EDI, REG1TEST) shall be send to the
local VHF manager or uploaded to the IARU-Region 1 log roboter In case of a problem uploading EDI log files, you can
contact dl5nah for assistance.



5.3.1 Eligible entrants

All licensed radio amateurs in Region 1 may participate in the
contest. Multiple operator entries will be accepted, provided only one
callsign per band is used during the contest .

When such stations use a different call sign on each band, the logs of
that Multi-operator entry shall for each band clearly bear an
indication of the group. This will preferably be one of the call signs
used, but a group name may be used instead. All stations belonging to
such a group shall operate from the same location (see section 5.3.3 )

The contestants must operate within the letter and spirit of the
contest and at no greater power than permitted in the ordinary
licenses of their country. Stations operating under special high power
licenses do so "hors concours" and cannot be placed in the contest

Stations operating temporarily outside their “home-country” are for
the purpose of the contest participating as stations in the country
where they operate and their logs must be submitted to the VHF
Manager/Contest Committee of that country. Logs sent to the Contest
Committee of their home country shall not be submitted to the
adjudicating society.

5.3.2 Contest sections

The contests shall comprise the following sections for each band from
50 MHz to 10 GHz and for Millimeter group (the combined group of
amateur bands above 10 GHz) :

• Section SINGLE - Stations operated by a single operator, with no
assistance during the contest.

• Section MULTI - All other entrants

• Section ROVER (SINGLE) (1,2 GHz and UP)
 A Rover station is a station travelling (and taking all its equipment
and antennas) to more than one location during the same contest. Rover
stations should indicate that they are operating as such, for example
by calling “CQ Rover” and current locator. A Rover station can be
worked more than once, on the condition that the Rover has changed
from locator square and moved at least 5km, this means a change of one
of the 4 first digits (e.g. from JO32.. to JO31..). The final score of
the Rover station is the sum of the logs per square. A Rover station
makes a specific EDI file for each locator. The sum of the different
logs will be the final result of the Rover station.

5.3.3 Operating

The 144,500 – 144,700 MHz segment may also be used for contest QSOs
during the Subregional contests on the coordinated dates and during
IARU Region I VHF contest as the extension to the currently used
segment 144,000 – 144,399 MHz.

a)The use of this extension or part thereof must be clearly specified
and published in the contest rules.

b)The extension is time limited from Jan-1 2012 to Dec-31 2014 unless
renewed by a future conference decision.

c) A participating station must operate from the same location
throughout the event.

d) All the equipment of the station (transmitters, receivers and
antennas, etc) must be located within a single circle of no greater
than 500 meters diameter.

Operator may reside outside the station’s area (“remote station”),
connected to the station via a “remote control terminal”. In such a
case, the Locator for the contest is the Locator of the station’s
position. An operator may only operate one single station, regardless
if it is locally or remotely operated, during the same event.

5.3.4 Date of contests

• The 50 MHz contest will begin on the third Saturday of June.

• The 145 MHz contest shall start on the first Saturday of September.

• The UHF/Microwave contest will start on the first Saturday of October.

5.3.5 Duration of contests

The contest will commence at 1400 hours UTC on the Saturday and end at
1400 hours UTC on the Sunday.

5.3.6 Contacts

Each station may only be worked once per band, whether it is fixed,
portable or mobile. If a station is worked again during the same
contest on the same band, only one contact may count for points
(except in the case of Rover stations), but any duplicate contacts
should be logged without claim for points and clearly marked as

Contacts made via active repeaters and EME contacts do not count for
points. Competitors are obliged to follow common definition for a
valid QSO (described in the VHF Managers Handbook v6.12). The contest
exchange (call, report, QSO number and locator) shall be sent and
confirmed on the band where the contact started and only during the

5.3.7 Type of emission

Contacts may be made in A1A, J3E or F3E (G3E).

5.3.8 Contest exchanges

Code numbers exchanged during each contact shall consist of the RS or
RST report, followed by a serial number commencing with 001 for the
first contact on each band and increasing by one for each successive
contact on that band. This exchange must immediately be followed by
the complete Locator of the sending station (examples : 59003 JO20DB
or 579123 IN55CC).

Note: for the “T” part of the report, see chapter 8.6.1

5.3.9 Scoring

For the amateur bands up to 10 GHz inclusive, points will be scored on
the basis of one point per kilometer, i.e. the calculated distance in
kilometers will be truncated to an integer value and 1 km will be
added. The center of each locator square is used for distance
calculations. In case that only a 4-character locator has been
received (50 MHz), the contact is invalid. In order to make contest
scores comparable, for the conversion from degrees to kilometers a
factor of 111.2 should be used when calculating distances with the aid
of the spherical geometry equation (Noordwijkerhout, 1987).

For the combined higher bands (Millimeter group) the score will be the
sum of the points scored on each of the bands, using the following
multiplication factors for the number of kilometers scored on each
band :
 24 GHz 1 x

47 GHz 2 x

75/80 GHz 3 x

122 GHz 4 x

134 GHz 8 x

245 GHz 10 x

5.3.10 Entries

The entries must be set out in digital/electronic form fulfilling the
requirements under rule 5.3.13. Logs must be sent to the national VHF
Manager or the national Contest Committee or uploaded to the
IARU-Region 1 log roboter not later than the second
Monday following the contest weekend.
Late entries will not be accepted. The submission of the logs implies
that the entrant accepts the contest rules.

5.3.11 Judging of entries

The final judging of the entries shall be the responsibility of the
organizing society, whose decision shall be final. Entrants
deliberately contravening any of these rules or flagrantly
disregarding the IARU Region 1 bandplans shall be disqualified.
Each VHF Manager and/or national Contest Committee shall be
responsible for monitoring during contests. Additional monitoring
stations may be appointed but these stations may not take part in the
contest. The national VHF Manager/Contest Committee is responsible for
disqualification based upon the results of monitoring. The claimed
contact shall be disqualified for any error in the information logged
by the station.

Any error in the exchanged information logged by a station is liable
to result in the loss of all points for that contact for both
correspondents (receiving and transmitting station); subject to review
and confirmation by the contest organizer.

5.3.12 Awards

• Section winners:

Certificates will be issued by the organizing society to the winners
in the two sections on each band up to 10 GHz and for the Millimeter

• Overall winners for UHF/Microwave contest:

For each section an overall winner of the IARU Region 1 UHF/Microwaves
contest will be declared. For this competition the scores of the
entrants on the following bands will be combined, using an adaptive
multiplier system:

435 MHz

1.3 GHz

2.4 GHz

5.7 GHz

10 GHz Millimeter group

The multipliers to be used for the determination of the overall scores
in each section are found as follows:

The multiplier is equal to the ratio between the highest number of
points scored by any participating station on the 435 MHz band for
that section and the highest number of points scored by any
participating station on the band for that section for which the
multiplier is being determined.

For the millimeter group the scores as determined according to rule
5.3.9 are used for the determination of this group's multiplier.

As the 3.4 GHz band is not yet available in all countries within
Region 1, the 3.4 GHz results will not be taken into account when
determining the overall winners of the sections in the October IARU
Region 1  UHF/Microwaves contest (Noordwijkerhout 1987 )

5.3.13 Logs

Logs in standard digital format (EDI, REG1TEST) shall be send to the
local VHF manager or uploaded to the IARU-Region 1 log roboter In case of a problem uploading EDI log files, you can
contact dl5nah for assistance.

Mais informações acerca da lista CLUSTER