ARLA/CLUSTER: NASA agradece a um Clube de Radioamadores a participação na missão Juno
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 9 de Junho de 2014 - 12:02:59 WEST
NASA says thanks to Poldhu Radio Club
The Poldhu Amateur Radio Club featured in the Somerset Country Gazette
newspaper after they received a QSL card from NASA
The story says: Members of Poldhu Amateur Radio Club recently received
a “thank you” card from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration) for their part in one of its missions. Poldhu amateurs
together with more than 1,000 others around the world transmitted the
letters H and I in extremely slow Morse Code to the spacecraft Juno
during a fly-by last October, which were synchronised by the USA’s
NASA website, enabling engineers to check the sensitivity of the
on-board receiver.
Read the full story at
Poldhu Amateur Radio Club
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