Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Clube de CW americano reduz o valor da quotização consoante a idade dos membro e a sua situação socio-economica
Carlos Fonseca
Segunda-Feira, 28 de Julho de 2014 - 14:23:53 WEST
O clube de que eu faço parte, skcc, eh um pouco melhor:
Nao tem qualquer cota.
Alem de ter varios diplomas internos, gerados quase que automaticamente,
por softwares desenvolvidos por membros.
Qsl bureau proprio, etc etc etc...
73's de CT1GFQ
Carlos Fonseca
SKCC #466C
REP #1406
No dia 28 de Jul de 2014 14:18, "João Costa > CT1FBF" <ct1fbf>
> FISTS CW Club North America reduces dues for ages 65-80
> * FISTS CW Club* in North America has reduced its dues for members aged
> 65-80 from $15 to $10. The new rates are:
> - Under 18 years of age - free
> - 80 years of age and older - free
> - Joint HandiHam/FISTS membership - free
> - Family membership (with one member of family as active member) - free
> - College Student - $10.00 per year
> - 65-80 years of age - $10.00 per year
> - Regular membership - $15.00 per year
> For the following: under 18, 65-80 and the 80 and older groups, you must
> supply your birth date when you join or renew.
> HandiHams must forward your current Membership Certificate in the HandiHam
> program, either life or annual, as per our agreement with them to
> qualify.This can be attached to an email or by mail.
> If you are a current active (dues paying) member of our chapter and
> qualify for a lower dues rate, contact me by email karl .
> I will prorate an extension of your expiration date.
> This is being done on the honor system. No verification of age is required.
> However, the chapter does reserve the right to require hard copy
> verification if it is perceived that abuse is taking place.
> You may now join or renew with the above rates on our website by going to:
> You may pay by PayPal or you may pay
> by check or money order per instructions on the same page. Free family
> memberships should download the application form and annotate the active
> member's call and FISTS number on the application of the family member.
> *73's Karl, KB1DSB*
> karl
> FISTS, NA Chapter, President
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