ARLA/CLUSTER: ArduSat project: Desenvolver software para satelites de amador em orbita

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 20 de Janeiro de 2014 - 13:49:10 WET

Deploying software updates to ArduSat in orbit

Radio amateur Jonathan Oxer VK3FADO gave a Keynote presentation on the
latest developments in the  to the 2014 Linux conference in Perth,
Western Australia.

Jon has been hacking on both hardware and software since he was a
little tacker. Most recently he's been focusing more on the Open
Hardware side, co-founding Freetronics as a direct result of
organising the first Arduino Miniconf at LCA2010. His books include
"Ubuntu Hacks" and "Practical Arduino".

Jon has been variously referred to as Australia's geekiest man and as
a cyborg-in-progress. As part of his "SuperHouse" home automation
series, Jon has taken keyless entry to an all new level by embedding
an RFID tag into his arm using a vet's chipping tool.

Recently he has been working on ArduSat, a satellite that aims to give
hobbyists, students and space enthusiasts an opportunity to design and
run their own experiments in space. By choosing a standardised
platform based on the hugely popular Arduino hardware design, ArduSat
allows anyone to develop and prototype experiments at home using
readily accessible parts and all based on a simple open source
software environment.

Watch Deploying software updates to ArduSat in orbit - Jonathan Oxer VK3FADO

Linux Conference Perth Jan 6-10

Linux Australia


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