ARLA/CLUSTER: Result – DX World DXpedition of the Year 2013

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 7 de Janeiro de 2014 - 16:31:17 WET

Result – DX World DXpedition of the
Monday Jan 06, 2014

The “*DX World – DXpedition of the Yearâ€* is now closed! Running for three
weeks, thousands of votes were cast over 25 DXpeditions. Thanks to all who

At Friedrichshafen Ham Fair, Germany, specially engraved trophies will be
presented by the DX World team to members of *K9W*, *TX5K* and
*S21ZBB/ZBC*in recognition of their achievement.

*Note: 0.56% separated S21ZBB, J88HL and VU7AG. It was that close for 3rd

Thanks again to all who took part.

73 from the DX World Team
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